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Politique de confidentialité

The website https://carviz.com is owned by carviz, which is a controller of data of your personal data.

We adopted this privacy policy, which determines how we treat information collected by https://carviz.com and our carviz App, which also provides the reasons why we need to collect some personal data concerning you. Therefore, you must read this privacy policy Before to use the website of https://carviz.com and our carviz App application.

We take care of your personal data and we let's commit to guarantee confidentiality; and the security.

1) Personal information we collect:

When you visit the https://carviz.com and our carviz App application, we collect automatically certain information on your device, including information about your web browser, your IP address, your time zone and some of the cookies installed on your device. Additionally, when you browse the Site, we collect information about web pages or products that you consult, on the websites or the terms of searches that referred you to on the site and on the how you interact with the site. We We designate this information collected automatically by the term "device information". Furthermore, we may collect personal data that you provide to us (including, but not limited to, name, first name, address, payment information, etc.) during registration in order to be able to carry out the CONTRACT.

2) Why do we process your data?

Our priority Absolute security is absolute. of the customer data and, this title, we cannot only process minimal user data, only to the extent that this is absolutely necessary to maintain the website and our application carviz App. Information collected automatically are used only to identify potential cases abuse and establish statistical information regarding the use of the website and our application carviz App. This statistical information is not otherwise aggregated in such a way as to identify a particular user of the system.

You can visit the website without telling us who you are nor reveal information, by which someone could identify you as an individual specific and identifiable. However, if you wish use certain features of the website and our carviz App application, or if you would like to receive our newsletter or provide further details in filling out a form, you can provide us with personal data, such as your email, your first name, your last name, your city of residence, your organization, your telephone number. YOU you can choose not to provide us with your data personal, but you may not be able to take advantage of certain features of the website. By example, you will not be able to receive

Our website and our carviz App application can contain links to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. Know that we are not responsible for these other websites or the practices confidentiality some thirds. We encourage you to Please be aware when you leave our website or our carviz App application and agrave; read the privacy statements of each website likely to collect personal information.

5) Security information:

We secure the information you provide on computer servers in a controlled environment; and secure, protected against everything unauthorized access, use or disclosure. We we maintain administrative, technical and physical guarantees reasonable to protect us against any access, unauthorized use, modification and disclosure of personal data under its control and custody. However, no data transmission over the Internet or A wireless network cannot be guaranteed.

6) Legal disclosure:

We will disclose any information we collect, use or receive if required or permitted by law, e.g. to comply with; a quote to to compare or at similar legal proceedings, and when we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, your safety and security. Or that of others, investigate fraud or respond to a request from the government.

7) Contact information:

If you would like to contact us to understand more about the this policy or if you would like to contact us concerning any question relating to individual rights and à your personal information, you can send a email to contact@carviz.com.

8) Protection of personal data:


We understand by PROVIDER if after designated East the carviz.com site which offers the service.

The USER is the individual (natural or legal person) who wishes to use the service offered.

The SPECIALIST is the natural person who will carry out the missions requested by the USER.

The SELLER is the natural or legal person who transfers the vehicle inspected.

8.1 – The USER accepts:

a)    that the elements he enters or downloaded to the platform can be operated free of charge by THE SERVICE PROVIDER for the supply services managed from the SITE.

b)   that these elements are visible to others USERS and/or presented alongside those of other potentially competing USERS in this which concerns their offers or requests.

8.2 – All parties commit to each other others to comply with all the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 relating to; IT and freedoms and its implementing decrees, the provisions of the European Regulation Applicable to Personal Data Management (R.G.P.D.), as well as any recommendations made by the authorities independent competent professionals who could be theirs applicable to reason for the operation or use of the SITE.

a)    The SERVICE PROVIDER informs USERS that it can constitute a file containing information communicated by the latter, particularly during the creation of ACCESS CODES and during registration to the services offered. These data can be used for invoicing, monitoring of receipts, management of SITE archives. The USER is informed of this information. of the collection and processing of data concerning him by THE SERVICE PROVIDER and gives express consent to there constitution and using this file in accordance with these stipulations.

The USER expressly accepts that the data that he puts online on the SITE or which are collected from him during his consultation can make subject to automated processing who allow anonymization and that the data thus anonymized data can be used for any purpose à free or expensive title by the SERVICE PROVIDER since it is no longer about data personal within the meaning of the GDPR.

The USER who wishes to be put in contact with a third party partner of the SERVICE PROVIDER by expressly requesting on the SITE such a service, accepts that all or part of its relevant personal data with a view to the development of a proposal by the partner of the SITE can be transmitted to the latter (e.g.: transmission of personal data with a view to developing an insurance proposal by the carviz partner broker).

b)  THE SERVICE PROVIDER complies with the provisions applicable in data processing subject personal character of USERS used on the SITE. More generally, legal information relating to the SITE and to; data management personal data are in compliance with the GDPR.

c)   In accordance with the law « computer science and freedoms » of January 6, 1978 amended, the USER has a right of access, rectification, portability, erasure or limitation of the processing of its data. he can object to the processing of data concerning him and has the right to withdraw consent; any time in sending a postal letter to this effect to the headquarters of the PROVIDER. In accordance with Decree No. 2007-451 of March 25, 2007 taken for the application of the law of January 6 1978, USER requests must be presented in writing and must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of a identity title bearing the signature of the holder and currently valid. The request must specify the address at which THE SERVICE PROVIDER must do get the response. The latter will have a deadline of one month to respond following receipt of the request.

d) Personal data collected by LE PROVIDER to USERS are intended à management of requests, updating arrangement between 

USERS, billing of beneficiaries of paid services, at there creation of a customer file ends commercial prospecting. They could be broadcast at third parties or subcontractors, responsible for carrying out these missions. They are collected by the publisher of the SITE, responsible for processing them. Subject to the other details mentioned, the data is kept and used for a suitable duration à the legislation in force set at there longest prescription duration applicable to A litigation to which they may be useful, increased by the duration necessary for the disputes to already engaged at the end of the period of prescription is decided in a manner definitive.

e)    The SERVICE PROVIDER informs the USER that the SITE can be brought à use cookies (small file, often anonymous, containing data, in particular a unique identifier, transmitted by the SITE server to the Internet user's browser and stored on his disk hard). These cookies allow each visit by an Internet user to carry out global statistical studies on the SITE audience, to identify the case If the USER is interested, study its behavior within the different sections of the SITE and this in particular in order to optimize the services provided by LE PROVIDER.

The USER however has the possibility to to refuse these cookies by configuring your browser. USERS are however informed that access to some services and sections of the SITE may in this hypothesis be altered, if not impossible. He doesn’n’ will nevertheless result in no reduction in the price of services provided in his favor.

f)   THE SERVICE PROVIDER undertakes to erase all personal information within six months following the termination of the contractual relationship binding it with the USER, under reservation of the conservation of data backups authorized by the texts in force.

8.3 – THE SERVICE PROVIDER is the sole owner of the SITE and of the database constituted by the collection information from USERS. The USER authorizes the exploitation of this asset directly by the SERVICE PROVIDER, or any person entitled to title particular or universal of it, subject to the legal and regulatory provisions.


8.4 – He is reminded à the USER that the inspection report - non-nominative - drawn up as part of the service offered by THE SERVICE PROVIDER for each vehicle is not assimilated à a personal data within the meaning of the GDPR.